Thursday, October 16, 2008

Now that I'm here, I don't know what to say.

Hello, my name is Fritz.

Living in San Francisco and having grown up in Berkeley, CA has left me with a view of the world that both disgusts and intrigues me. I can't stop watching politics and news, and I think it's time to throw my 2 cents into the over saturated world of internet blogging. Maybe someone will even read it.

I have ideas. Few people hear them, and I hope to change that, so the following topics will be covered in later entrees.

Early/Adolescent education.
People that make me happy to be alive.
People that make me want to commit seppuku.
Political rantings.
Pseudo-Intellectual critique of people much smarter than myself
Civil rights issues including...
Gay rights
Women's rights
Affirmative action
The chipping away of liberties in exchange for perceived safety.

I'll rant about what's wrong, give my suggestions, and ask for feedback.

Original, I know.



judytuna said...

Well, I'm looking forward to reading. =) Post more soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what's openID? I can leave my comment as my livejournal?